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Fall 2018

PDP welcomes KATA JUHASZ and PATRIK KELEMEN to the 2018 BILATERAL: Budapest/Philadelphia Dance Artists Exchange, a 3-week cultural and creative residency September 14 through October 6.
See all the Budapest guests and former Philly BILATERAL artists
NICHOLE CANUSO, JUNGWOONG KIM, TORI LAWRENCE, MEGAN MAZARICKGUILLERMO ORTEGA, GABRIELLE REVLOCK performing short works and excerpts and discussing the Exchange and the tensions of creating art in our current political climate.
At the Performance Garage, 1515 Brandywine Street, Philadelphia PA 19130 
Tickets: $10 at DanceBoxOffice here.

Jungwoong Kim  performing with on streets of Budapest Fall 2017
The BILATERAL EXCHANGE is made possible with support from the Trust for Mutual Understanding
And our presenting partner the Hungary Workshop Foundation.

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PDP has received a Discovery Grant from The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage to research the legacy and history of artists and their activities, who were living and working in Old City circa 1975-1985. This discovery process grows out of PDP’s Local Dance History Project (2010)- which pursued an understanding of the roots of contemporary dance in Philadelphia. A significant number of dance artists were at the core of founding and/or creating and presenting work through Old City Arts during that era. Critical to understanding this evolution is the interplay with other artists in other disciplines particularly music, theater or performance art and the visual arts.  By exchanging this information and ideas about this history, artists and audiences may come to appreciate the depth of work being created today, not only in terms of style and interdisciplinary interaction, but also the social and urban nexus with which art connects.
The Discovery process activities will entail identifying the artists, neighbors, audiences and others who shared in the experience of Old City as an organic arts phenomenon.  We will be working with scholars, artists and community partners as advisors and participants in research process.
A CALL for information, materials or personal stories for this history project, please contact PDP.
OCA Facebook Group:                           
Email: infoatphiladanceprojects [dot] org
Please take our survey….
Support for the research and development of THE OLD CITY ARTS HISTORY PROJECT has been provided byThe Pew Center for Arts & Heritage



Right: Mady Cantor, Dance TAG Director leads a TAG session Spring 2017. Left: Erica Brown, leads a TAG session Winter 2016.

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“Translucence” a short dance film by Jeanette Ginslov
October 6 at the Barnes   FREE
Something Happens When Everybody Moves: Dance as ritual, protest, and aspiration a dance on film/video program curated by PDP Director

Celebrating over 20 years of Dance enthusiasm!

Dancers: Gregory Holt, William Robinson, Scott McPheeters, John Luna
“What We’re Made Of”  Michael Biello, Ishmael Houston-Jones, Dan Martin
PDP’s Local Dance History Project 2010

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Support PDP. Please consider donating now. 

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