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The 5 Best CrossFit Exercises

Jump Squats

  • Stand with your feet at shoulder-width apart. Slowly bend your knees and push your hip back while you’re dropping your butt towards the floor.
  • Go down as low as possible without touching the floor with nothing but your feet and make a jump.
  • Make sure you land on your feet and that your knees are bent so you can still go up slowly to the starting position.
  • You can use small, medium, heavy or no weight at all. We recommend using no weight if you are a beginner and avoid the jump as well.

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Handstand Push-ups

A complete workout without having to use any type of equipment.

  • Try to get into a downward-facing dog pose and push up your butt all the way up until your body forms a pyramid form.
  • At this position, stay with your feet and bend your elbows until they touch the floor.
  • Push yourself up again to the pyramid position slowly.
  • We recommend doing at least 15 reps of 4 sets. You can also do this by standing with your hands supporting your body with a wall. Make sure you go until your head touches the floor slightly.

Broad Jump Burpee

The broad jump burpee adds a little more resistance that can be a real challenge for you.

  • Just like a burpee, stand on the floor with both feet wider than shoulder-width from each other.
  • Drop your torso towards the floor and stay still with your feet. Put your hands on the floor then separate your legs a little more to get a Y form.
  • After jumping, go down again immediately and put your hands and feet on the floor.
  • Repeat and repeat. Do at least 1 minute and 4 sets for this exercise.

Alternating V-Ups

Even though it seems easy, the Alternating Leg V Ups are in fact really hard to do.

  • Lie on the floor with your body straightened and your arms close to your sides.
  • Now, keep your torso and legs straightened, you will try to lift your back and arms from the floor without losing the position. Try to touch your feet with your hands.
  • You can alternate legs or do both together with one or two hands.
  • When you lift your torso and legs up, your body should form a V form. Return to the floor and come back up. Do at least 40 seconds straight of this exercise in 4 or 5 sets.

Pistol Squat

  • First, stand on the floor normally. Lift one of your feet and put it in front of you with your knee bent.
  • At this position, you will slowly go down with only one leg doing the work. While the other is slowly getting straightened, you will go down until the leg on the floor is bent.
  • At this position, you will go back up by maintaining one of the legs.
  • Make sure that your hips are pushed back while you’re going down.
  • Do at least 4 sets of 15 reps each. Remember to switch legs.

Alternative Exercises to CrossFit

Train Without Equipment and Look Great!

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